A Few of My Favorite Things: Spring 2019

6 thoughts on “A Few of My Favorite Things: Spring 2019”

  1. I, too LOVE lilacs. The first time I saw them (because I grew up in So Cal) was the first spring my husband and I lived in Germany, and I’ve loved them ever since. Yes, their scent is amazing. I always wondered about violets. They are so often in Victorian postcards but I have never seen them grow anywhere. The closest I can get are the violas, that you can get in the nursery. I wish I knew what they smelled like. Thank you for sharing your favorite things. Life is so much better with gratitude. God bless!


    1. Yes, the domesticated violets are very hard to come by. I’ve only seen them in catalogs for you to start from seeds. My aunt used to keep them in the summers as hanging plants in Southwestern Pennsylvania, but I have no idea where they got them from. Here is an amazing article by Garden.eco all about African Violets if you’re interested https://www.garden.eco/when-do-african-violets-bloom
      I love the Victorian postcards. I use them at Christmas to help decorate the tree. They just make me feel warm and at home. When did you move to Germany? I’ve always wanted to go. Thank you so much for visiting us.
      Blessings to you as well ❤

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      1. Hi Peace, After your reply I googled violet seed packets. I found this one–does it seem like your wild violets at all? mhttps://www.everwilde.com/store/Viola-pedatifida-WildFlower-Seed.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwk7rmBRAaEiwAhDGhxLebFgTDaNIhAa3YpuARIH6fI6Mdb-JCUVjNiYJ-y33_e1nsEuYj9xoC_v8QAvD_BwE

        I moved to Germany just months after marrying my husband. He was an Exec w his company and so we stayed in Munich for a year. Talk about gorgeous flowers. They’re everywhere! 🙂


      2. Yes, those are very similar to the ones I have. I’m pretty sure that these ones are them exactly if you are looking for seeds. I found them on Amazon, but you can look for them elseware if you want. Here’s the address:

        I’ve heard Munich is amazing in the spring. It’s on our bucket list for traveling someday 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’m so excited! I ordered the ones from Amazon you found-I’m so happy that they are the fragrant kind. I’ve always wanted to know what their fragrance is like. Thank you, Peace!! ❤


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